Today we announce Carnegie, the next addition to our Masterprint series, bearing number 27! Carnegie was inspired by the life of Andrew Carnegie, born in Scotland in 1835. His role as one of the major players in the rise of the United States’ steel industry made him one of the richest men in the world and an icon of the American dream.
Carnegie is a design by Xavier Georges, author of Carson City and Ginkgopolis and co-author of Black Angel and Troyes. The beautiful artwork is done by Ian O’Toole, who is known by his art for many Vital Lacerdas’ games (Lisboa, On Mars, Vinhos Deluxe and The Gallerist) and previously worked on our game Counterfeiters as well.
Carnegie is designed for 1 to 4 players and plays over 20 rounds in about 90 minutes. For a bit more background story on the game, we refer to its game page, that can be found here. Carnegie will launch on Kickstarter November 25! Over the following weeks, we will bring you more information on the game and show visuals of the game board, player boards and the many other components.

For those eagerly awaiting a reprint of Carson City: Big Box, we didn’t forget about you! Early next year, we will launch a Kickstarter for a reprint of Carson City: Big Box. During this campaign, you can also lay hands on the solo mode (and added components) Xavier designed over the past months. So stay tuned!